Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vacationing in Pompano Beach Florida

Out here getting a sun tan. Here is Pompano Beach looking south.

Here looking north is the lighthouse.  Two army  helicopters flying by.  Last October I went deep sea fishing and caught a king fish.

Sandy looking at Goodyear blimp.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Are Dragons for real?

While I was researching the Sun, I came across this interesting satellite photograph from the book "A New Sun The Solar Results from Skylab". Here it appears that this particular prominence has an image of a dragon-looking figure looking over its left shoulder and waving at the astronauts who are taking his picture. A very interesting picture, indeed, from a government book. I embellished this photograph with PhotoShop to empathize the image, in the above picture.

The Curse of Goddess Pele of Hawaii

I went to Hawaii some time back and before I went, I told a friend of mine where I was going and he told me about people who had gather rocks there had to returned them because of a curse. I pictured in my mind people picking up an ordinary rock maybe for a souvenir or something.
Well, While I was vacationing in Hawaii, I came across a strange looking rock on the beach. Later on, at the hotel in Waikiki beach, I noticed an old newspaper article on the wall. It was published in 1982, and had turned a burnt yellow, being on the wall so long. In the article, on the front page, the Governor of Hawaii at the time was discussing the interesting things of Hawaii, and one of the things he mentioned was "strange-looking rocks" found all over Hawaii. He also mentions over the centuries, explorers and Adventurers would take some of these strange-looking rocks only to return them later on. It appears if someone take these rocks, some kind of curse occurs and these people return the rocks to relieve themselves from the evil spell. To look at what I saw, look at the photograph of one.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Magnetic Flux Tubes of the Sun

Magnetic flux tubes
posted by Barry Nix at 5:55 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 09, 2004

Information on the Sun
Now, Heat flows to the surface by a helical flow of plasma of ionized materials, through tube-like cocoons, commonly known as flux-tubes, made up of magnetic force lines. An analogy would be water flowing under pressure through a rubber hose. Plasma is ionized materials grouping together to form a flow. Reversing polarity and pressure from the core sends the snake-like flow, spiraling, because of the perpendicular forces of Magnetic and Electric, then, out to the surface. Near the surface, the magnetic lines open up to release the helical flow, which makes convection or granulation and spicules on the surface of the photosphere. Magnetic force lines has the ability to stretch like an elastic rubber band, and like the rubber band, then, if stretched too far, it "snaps" open. Sometimes, though, the magnetic force is stronger or the flow bigger or both, then, the helical flow opens up on the surface itself and make sunspots. And sometimes the magnetic force is so strong or the flow so big, or both, then, the helical flow goes right up into the Chromosphere and Corona and makes a flare. Sometimes the tube-like flow lay along the side of the surface of the Sun and gets blasted up into the Chromosphere and makes an arching prominence.

Plate Tectonics and Fusion

Plate Tectonics and Fusion
This is an overview about Plate Tectonics and Fusion. These phenomena are related! It seems a long time ago, an inventor or scientist was experimenting with heat and trying to get energy with it. The heating chamber he was working on exploded and killed all life on Earth. I came to this conclusion after researching continental drift, now called Plate Tectonics Theory. It started with the first article "How Continents break up" in a Scientific American magazine. In this magazine the authors stated that the breakup of the continents that formed the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,"...must be taken to have happened instantaneously along a line; a most unlikely event."4 This statement struck me as unusual. I then noticed at the top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is the island called Iceland. It seems that Iceland has a head, two arms and a body. It reminded me of a cartoon character's outline in a wall that the cartoon character just ran through! Now the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is where the sea floor spreads out in an East-West direction. As the sea floor spreads, it carries the continents, in this case Asia-Europe-Africa and North-South America, apart. So one can reverse this process, and going back into time, the continents were at one time joined together, into a super continent called Pangaea. The Earth scientist then realized that this crack formed on Continental crust. This formation of the crack on continental crust puzzled the scientist because continental crust is thicker than sea floor crust. One would expect the crack to form in the sea floor where the crust is thinner. However, if the crack were formed because of a heating chamber exploding, then of course, it would give a reason why the crack formed on continental crust.