Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vacationing in Pompano Beach Florida

Out here getting a sun tan. Here is Pompano Beach looking south.

Here looking north is the lighthouse.  Two army  helicopters flying by.  Last October I went deep sea fishing and caught a king fish.

Sandy looking at Goodyear blimp.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your pictures!

    48 years ago my mother took me and my brother to Pompano Beach over April school vacation. This was at the end of a long, cold, dreary winter in Connecticut. I was 11 and my brother Peter was 10.

    I was thrilled by the warm tropical air! All night the trade winds would rustle the palm trees on the beach and it was one of the most comforting sounds imaginable and remains so in my memory to this day.

    I recall one night on the beach watching the heat lightening playing over the Bahamas over the horizon to the east; a large green sea turtle had climbed up on to the beach to lay her eggs. I walked up to the lighthouse that night along the beach (the lighthouse doesn't appear to have changed). It was the most enchanting night of my life!

    Thanks again for the pictures and the wonderful memories!
