Thursday, December 31, 2009

Magnetic Flux Tubes of the Sun

Magnetic flux tubes
posted by Barry Nix at 5:55 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 09, 2004

Information on the Sun
Now, Heat flows to the surface by a helical flow of plasma of ionized materials, through tube-like cocoons, commonly known as flux-tubes, made up of magnetic force lines. An analogy would be water flowing under pressure through a rubber hose. Plasma is ionized materials grouping together to form a flow. Reversing polarity and pressure from the core sends the snake-like flow, spiraling, because of the perpendicular forces of Magnetic and Electric, then, out to the surface. Near the surface, the magnetic lines open up to release the helical flow, which makes convection or granulation and spicules on the surface of the photosphere. Magnetic force lines has the ability to stretch like an elastic rubber band, and like the rubber band, then, if stretched too far, it "snaps" open. Sometimes, though, the magnetic force is stronger or the flow bigger or both, then, the helical flow opens up on the surface itself and make sunspots. And sometimes the magnetic force is so strong or the flow so big, or both, then, the helical flow goes right up into the Chromosphere and Corona and makes a flare. Sometimes the tube-like flow lay along the side of the surface of the Sun and gets blasted up into the Chromosphere and makes an arching prominence.

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