Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Curse of Goddess Pele of Hawaii

I went to Hawaii some time back and before I went, I told a friend of mine where I was going and he told me about people who had gather rocks there had to returned them because of a curse. I pictured in my mind people picking up an ordinary rock maybe for a souvenir or something.
Well, While I was vacationing in Hawaii, I came across a strange looking rock on the beach. Later on, at the hotel in Waikiki beach, I noticed an old newspaper article on the wall. It was published in 1982, and had turned a burnt yellow, being on the wall so long. In the article, on the front page, the Governor of Hawaii at the time was discussing the interesting things of Hawaii, and one of the things he mentioned was "strange-looking rocks" found all over Hawaii. He also mentions over the centuries, explorers and Adventurers would take some of these strange-looking rocks only to return them later on. It appears if someone take these rocks, some kind of curse occurs and these people return the rocks to relieve themselves from the evil spell. To look at what I saw, look at the photograph of one.

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